Thursday, May 28, 2020

..fpl palette cleanser

Apparently Premier League football is now scheduled to come back on the 17th of June. I haven't really been following things in too much detail, but I thought I better post. A little palette cleanser perhaps to draw a line between future fpl-related posts and my last few posts, which have been, well, a bit more political let's say. I feel a little bit like the black sheep in the fpl community. I can't imagine too many others have been setting the world to rights about civil liberties over the last few months. Still though, someone had to do it. No one's shutting down football on my watch and getting away with it !

In fact, it's still hard to avoid the politics of it all. If football doesn't kick back into full swing it could get very difficult for clubs. Especially lower league ones. Personally I believe the lock down has been a huge mistake and has probably cost more lives than it has saved (lord knows what the long term repercussions will be). It's a terribly clumsy and draconian way to deal with a problem. It was the most hysterical and least intelligent solution we could've found. The mainstream media have been abysmal, and sadly some of the bigger names in the footballing media have been equally hysterical. I wonder if they'll be taking the principled stance and boycotting football until it's "100% safe" now that it's coming back? Somehow I doubt it. In fact, I'm sure they've all been watching the Bundesliga these last few weeks whilst they've been simultaneously begging the police to ban children from playing football in the park.

I'm getting a bit ranty now 😅 ..sorry, I'll stop. The last few months have really brought out the inner Stasi in a lot of people though. Demanding that others be locked down ..but only when it suits them. Not only crying for other people to have their basic human rights stripped away, but doing it in such a nasty and impolite way too. (That's what really gets me - the impoliteness. If you want the police to arrest me for sunbathing could you at least ask them in a polite civilised way please.)

Anyway, enough of all that. Let's have a look at my team. I haven't checked my account in months so I can barely even remember it.

Ahhhh, relax ..back to actual football 😇

(Thank God google remembered my password)

If Dubravka's still actually out I'm going to go apeshit. Three months with no football then coming back to make a keeper transfer. Not happening.

In all seriousness though it actually feels a bit surreal looking at this team. It seems so long ago now. It's like looking at an old school report or something.

I have literally no idea what the situation is with any of these players at the moment. Also figuring out a new chip strategy is going to be a bit of a nightmare. I'm going to have to start paying a bit more attention I think :)

Current Rank When We Left Things: 289,725

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